"Who is so foolish as to buy a car without first testing?"

So goes the excuse of the day as more and more young people buy into the deception of premarital sex. Well for avoidance of doubt, premarital sex is sexual intimacy (not just penetration) before official marriage proceedings are completed to declare the couple married.

Well let me first say that the larger majority of people fall into the trap of premarital sex as a result of lust. Lust is nothing other than a by product of a heart that rebels God (Romans 1:21-24). On the other hand, when your heart gets hooked on to the constant love of God, lust runs out of the window in a flash.

Back to the main topic of discussion...who says that sex is just like a car or even palm wine that has to be tasted before one makes a purchase. Well sex is not just two body parts coming together, it is God's own divine idea to bring good pleasure and intimacy to a married couple whilst providing them with an avenue to produce children after their kind. So the original plan of sex in its design can only be supported in marriage. When we fail to use what has been created by God in the way He created it to be used, it is called ABUSE. I am afraid many are abusing sex.

Sex is no doubt an integral part of a marriage but not the most important reason for marriage - Companionship is. This is because when all the intimacy is gone, when all the children have left home, you will be glad to have someone by your side you care so much about.  Yet most people believe that it is WORST story ever to be told if they get into marriage and find the slightest of problems with sex with their mate. May I ask, if this fear justified? Should this fear justify disobedience to a loving God who gave us limits to protect us?

    Well I believe this fear is not justified for about four reasons:
  •  ⦁ DEADLIER DECISIONS: We are already making a lot of other even more deadly decisions daily without checking to be double sure. How many of us have for sure checked the driver's license and accident record of the driver of any car we intend to board. Yet we sit in these cars and close the door and sometimes dose off to sleep expecting some grace to see us alive to our destination. Doesn't this mean that we walk through life daily expecting somehow that God will see us through? So why can't we apply the same principles of God's grace in marriage which is created by God our good pleasure. I challenge any one who trusts the grace of God to see them through to shout amen to release the power of God's grace to get out of pre-marital sex.

  •  ⦁ SEX PROBLEMS NEVER STOP: Ok I want to speak to the smart ones here. Imagine your smart testing finally lands you with the sexiest girl or boy to whom you finally get married. Amazing!...you are so smart..but wait a minute as I point out to you how foolish you have been by trying to be smarter than God. Who told you that after marriage, every problem that could occur to cause sexual dysfunction stops because sex problems are afraid of wedding gowns. If sex is the only reason why you are getting married then you are at a big loss when, say (God forbid! though) that your newly wed husband slips in a bathroom accident causing him to be impotent for life. My dear people it is better to cast all your cares on God because He cares for you. Your tommorrow is secured in Him before you started. You can't go wrong with God. Quit micro managing and see the bigger picture - GOD!

  •  ⦁ MARRIAGE CHANGES BEHAVIOUR: A lot of people consumed with the passion of sex in marriage forget to develop the other areas of love in relationship that can be of use day to day and because of fleshly lust tend to focus only on sex. You could have sex with a great person today and he or she may seem the most exciting today but when you will be very very disappointed with that same person after you get married because the person may not carry the same excitement. This is simply because Marriage unfortunately sometimes gets people to settle down to a life of non adventure. So if exciting sex was all you paid for you could end up feeling very trapped when that same maniac ends up lethargic. It makes sense therefore to use the premarital period to develop other areas that are more sustaining like good communication, sacrificing for each other and many more which will carry you through good and bad times.

  •  ⦁ MARKING SCHEMES AND PARTNERS: Imagine premarital sex was the best test ever possible to be used to select the sexiest person for marriage, how many people will you test before selecting the best and what would you use to disqualify someone? People...let us get serious, this testing before marriage for safety is a big joke and consigned to deceptively satisfy lustful desires which cannot be satisfied anyway because lust always asks for more.

I could get more and more reasons but I believe that Jesus took all our sins on the cross because we have no chance of dealing with them ourselves. Why don't you pray and ask God to open your eyes to see how much He loves you to have given you His best - Jesus Christ, that through him you might be set free from the trap of the fleshly lust. I see you breaking free from every addiction to sex...receive grace now in Jesus name!